Constitution as per October 7, 2022
§ 1 Objective
The Nordic Weightlifting Federation (NWF) was founded on September 20th 1940 and is a federation composed of the national weightlifting federations from the Nordic countries and sport countries Denmark, Faroe Islands, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden.
The main objective of NWF is to protect the interests of the sport of weightlifting in the Nordic countries within the Olympic spirit. The NWF will organize Nordic Championships and furthermore
secure the progress and development of the weightlifting sport.
§ 2 Organization
The NWF shall comply with the Rules and Regulations of the International Weightlifting Federation (IWF). Where the documents differ the NWF Constitution overrides the IWF Constitution.
§ 3 Executive Board of NWF
The Executive Board of the NWF is elected every other year in connection with the Nordic Senior Championships. The Executive Board consists of the President, the Vice President, the General
Secretary from both genders. They form the NWF’s working committee.
The President and the Vice President must represent different Member Federations, as the General Secretary can be elected from the same country as the President or the Vice President. The General Secretary is the Treasurer of the NWF. The working period is the time between the Nordic Senior Congresses in odd years.
Candidates are eligible to the NWF Executive Board when they are between the age of 18 and 75 at the time of the elections, and when twenty-five (25) years has passed from the date of the first ADRV. Candidates having served multiple anti-doping sanctions are not eligible to run for office.
Each elected office shall have a term limit of five (5) terms. After completing the full terms in office, a candidate must stand aside in the next two (2) elections after which the candidate is eligible to run again withstanding that they fulfill the eligibility criteria.
§ 4 NWF Executive Board responsibilities
The Executive Board has the following obligations:
• Keep the Minutes from the Congress
• Prepare motions and execute the decisions made
• Correspond with the Member Federations
• Keep the necessary cashbooks, and account for the economic situation
• File all cashbooks and meeting minutes
• Register the Nordic Records and the record lists to the member countries at least four times a year
• Form the basis for Honorary Medals
• File lists of persons who have received Honorary Medals or Elite Pins
• Produce an Activity Report, including a Financial Report every year
§ 5 Member Federation representatives
Unless the MF has nominated a representative to NWF, the President of the Member Federation is automatically the MF representative. The NWF President can call meetings with the Executive Board, the MF representatives and the Athletes’ Commission Chair and Vice Chair to discuss and plan current affairs. Each participant has one vote in these meetings for a total of eleven votes: EB has three (3), MFs have six (6) and AC has two (2). By equal number of votes the President has a double vote.
§ 6 Athletes’ Commission
The Member Federations shall choose one female and one male representative to form the NWF Athletes’ Commission. The current NWF President invites the athlete representatives to a Constituent
Meeting after each Executive Board elections. In the Constituent Meeting the Athletes’ Commission chooses a Chair and a Vice Chair. The AC will work to promote Nordic Weightlifting and inform the
NWF Executive Board and the NWF Congress about issues concerning the Athletes. The Athletes’ Commission meets mainly on-line. The Chair of the Athletes’ Commission must inform
the Organizers by the date of the Preliminary Entries if an Athletes’ Commission meeting must be added to the championship schedule.
The athletes serving on the NWF Athletes’ Commission are subject to eligibility criteria as stated in Olympic Charter Bye-law 1 to Rule 21, pertaining to II.1.1-1.6. Candidate Criteria of the International
Olympic Committee Athletes’ Commission. An exception is made in the qualifying competitions so that Nordic athletes who have competed at the Nordic level or higher are eligible to be nominated to the commission by the MF.
The term for the Athletes’ Commission members is two (2) years. The Chair and Vice Chair can serve up to five (5) terms. They must step aside for two (2) terms before being eligible to hold the positions again withstanding that they meet the eligibility criteria.
§ 7 Congress
A Congress will be arranged in connection with Nordic Junior and Senior Championships. English is the official language at the Congress.
At the Congress each Member Federation has one vote on the condition that the obligations to the NWF are fulfilled, as well as the Athletes’ Commission Chair and two other athletes chosen by the
NWF Athletes’ Commission and competing at the Championships have one vote each. Other representatives are free to speak and to put forward proposals. By equal number of votes the President
has a double vote. The General Secretary of the NWF shall be present at the Congress and has the right to put forward proposals and is free to speak but has no right to vote. Elections to the NWF
Executive Board shall be closed (secret ballot).
§ 8 Affiliation fee
Each Member Federation is obliged to pay an Annual Affiliation Fee to cover the expenses of the NWF. The annual fee should be paid January 15th at the latest. The annual Membership Fee is to be
decided at each Senior Congress.
§ 9 Nordic Championships regulations
a) Nordic Championships for women and men shall be organised every year except for Masters.
The athletes compete in age groups and weight categories in accordance with the current IWF Rules and Regulations.
b) For both women and men in the Senior, Junior and Youth Championships a team trophy is set up. The trophy goes to the National Team that has the highest score points. If a National
Team has won the trophy three times, the team keeps the trophy, and it is the responsibility of this federation to set up a new trophy.
c) An athlete who is nominated to the Youth Championships is not entitled to change her / his entry to the Junior Championships.
d) Invitation to the Championships should be available for each country 2 months before the first day of the competition. The participating delegations must accept the accommodation offered
by the Organising Committee. No other ways of lodging and meals will be accepted.
e) The organising federation must receive the Final Entries 14 days before the competition starts. The Final Entries must contain names and dates of birth of the athletes and the officials. Participating countries shall provide at least one referee, as the organising federation provides 2 referees.
f) At every Nordic Championships a Jury of 3 members shall be appointed at the Congress. The organising federation appoints Chief Marshals, a Timekeeper and Speakers.
g) At each Nordic Championships, all the participants shall present identity cards at the weighin.
h) At Nordic Championships the organisers shall provide free board and lodging for the NWF Executive Board as well as the Chair of the Athletes’ Commission.
i) If only one athlete is entered in a weight category, he / she is still entitled to lift and will be awarded a gold medal and 7 points in the Team competition.
j) Doping controls can be performed at all Nordic Championships.
k) At Nordic Championships there will be one weigh-in each competition day unless otherwise required by IWF Rules and Regulations.
l) English is the official language at all Nordic Championships. Announcing of the lifter shall first be in English, then in the national language.
§ 10 Medals and ranking
1) Athletes placed 1, 2 and 3 in total in each category will receive gold, silver and bronze medals respectively.
Points in the competition are the following: 1st place- 7 points, 2nd place- 5 points, and furthermore 4, 3, 2 and 1 point. The sum of the points will make the team result. To receive team points the lifter must make a total.
2) The team trophy is won by the nation with the highest score according to the above mentioned points. When two (2) or more teams have the same points in the Team Classification, the team with more of the higher places must be ranked higher.
3) The lifters of the competition shall be ranked in accordance with the latest Sinclair formula, or another NWF approved formula.
§ 11 NWF costs at Nordic Championships
The NWF pays the travel costs of the NWF Executive Board and the Chair of the Athletes’ Commission in connection with the Congress at the Nordic Championships.
§ 12 Nordic Records
Nordic Records are registered in all age groups and weight categories in accordance with the current IWF Rules and Regulations, except for Masters. If a record is equalled it will not be registered.
Athletes in the Senior weight categories who have been registered and filled in their Whereabouts in Adams, or a comparable national whereabout recording service which secures the equal testing of the athletes, for three (3) months before the competition are eligible to lift Nordic Records. Nordic Record lists shall be sent (mailed) by the General Secretary to the Member Federations four times a year. New records shall be submitted to the NWF within 1 month. The NWF Record Form must be used.
§ 13 Awards
NWF’s Board can by unanimous decision give the following Honorary Award:
1. The NWF’s 2nd Degree Honorary Award might be given to a person who for several years has worked for the Nordic weightlifting sport- either within the Board in one’s own
federation, or if he or she in other ways has worked for the Nordic weightlifting sport.
2. The NWF’s 1st Degree Honorary Award might be given to a person who to an outstanding manner and during a long period of time, has worked for the Nordic and International
weightlifting sport. The person in question will be appointed Honorary Member of the NWF.
3. The Nordic Elite pin might be given to an active weightlifter who is qualified for these results:
Category (kg) / Total (kg)
45 / 143
49 / 154
55 / 173
59 / 182
64 / 192
71 / 205
76 / 210
81 / 211
87 / 213
+87 / 218
Category (kg) / Total (kg)
55 / 222
61 / 248
67 / 272
73 / 297
81 / 311
89 / 327
96 / 336
102 / 347
109 / 353
+109 / 371
The Nordic Elite pin can only be awarded to athletes who have not received doping convictions. Holders of the Honorary Awards and the Elite pins have free entry to all weightlifting competitions
organised in the Nordic countries.
§ 14 Congress proposals
Proposals may be put forward by Member Federations and by the working committee of the NWF and shall be submitted to the General Secretary at latest 40 days before the Congress. The Agenda of the Congress and actual proposals shall be sent to the Member Federations 30 days before the Congress. The NWF Constitution can only be changed in connection with the Congress held at the Nordic Championships.
§ 15 Disorganization
The Nordic Weightlifting Federation may only be terminated if all the Member Federations are in favour. The financial and other belongings must in such a case be divided equally between the
Member Federations.
§ 16 Execution
These rules apply as of now and simultaneously all former rules are hereby cancelled.
Rovaniemi, October 7, 2022
Karoliina Lundahl, President
Trond Kvilhaug, General Secretary
Patrik Helgesson, Vice President
Publicerad: 2023-07-05
Senast uppdaterad: 2023-08-17